Sayyid Ahmad’s political thoughts

Sayyid Ahmad’s political thoughts

In any society based on situations and conditions, thoughts and ideas are developed, and if these thoughts become stable and active they could change to rules for the officials. After the victory of the Islamic revolution various thought were developed and one of them was Sayyid Ahmad’s thoughts. Through this article first we’ll discuss Sayyid Ahmad’s role in preserving the historical heritage of the revolution and Imam, then we’ll talk about his political thoughts as the most important principle in a ruling system based on Islamic principles. The important features in his political thoughts were people, freedom of thought and accepting criticism. He was among the first preachers of freedom of thought after the revolution.

Thursday, March 15, 2012 03:10

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Sayyid Ahmad emphasized on practical criticizes

Sayyid Ahmad emphasized on practical criticizes

17 years after the demise of Hojatoleslam Hajj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini, the valuable relic of Imam Khomeini has passed and still the people of Iran have sorrow on his loss. He who especially after the martyrdom of Sayyid Mustafa, Imam Khomeini’s older son, kept all the secrets of Imam and had devoted his life in the path of the divine aspirations of the Islamic revolution.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012 03:05

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The Opening of Imam Khomeini Cultural Center in South Lebanon

The Opening of Imam Khomeini Cultural Center in South Lebanon

Imam Khomeini is a unique person in this age and has different scientific and political dimensions, which unfortunately his character isn’t known and introduced as it should have been.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 02:11

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 Imam Khomeini’s invitation was in the continuance of the prophets’ invitations

A member of Hizbollah’s central council:

Imam Khomeini’s invitation was in the continuance of the prophets’ invitations

Unity of the Muslim nation was among the principles and values which the prophet of Islam stressed on it and the dignity and authority of the Muslims will only reveal by the unity and solidarity against the common enemies.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 11:39

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 Imam Khomeini was the great harbinger of Islamic Unity

Culture and Islamic Guidance Minister:

Imam Khomeini was the great harbinger of Islamic Unity

Imam Khomeini stressed on pure Islam from the beginning and so a unity was made among the Islamic system so we without relying on the West or the East the Islamic system could be established. Imam Khomeini instead of paying attention to the differences, payed attention to fate, piety and Jihad.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 11:33

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The conversion of a German citizen to Islam in Jamaran

Conversion to Islam

The conversion of a German citizen to Islam in Jamaran

Carmen Bigley, who is a German citizen, recited her Shahadetein in Husseiniah Jamaran. Carmen and Ali Faraji were then united in matrimony by Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimeen Gobadi

Saturday, January 28, 2012 09:10

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How did the Soviet Union end?

How did the Soviet Union end?

The collapse of the Soviet Union made the bipolar world disappear, a world which through the last decades had decided about the political destiny of countries. This situation eased the reliance on culture to determine different layers of foreign policies in a government-nation level by the international players. On the other hand, it confirmed that along with the cultural role of politicians, we shouldn't forget that not seeing the effects of religious features, believes and traditions of nations on structuring a culture would cause disasters.

Saturday, January 21, 2012 08:49

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From Imam Khomeini’s letter to the collapse of the Soviet Union

Iran-Russia relations

From Imam Khomeini’s letter to the collapse of the Soviet Union

When Mikhail Gorbachev, Head of state of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, received Imam Khomeini’s letter from the Imam’s chosen delegation party, he turned to them and said: “Although the people of the Soviet Union and Iran are followers of different schools of thought, this does not prevent us from cooperating with each other based on our common principles and traditions.” On January the 4th 1989, when Eduard Shevardnadze, the Soviet foreign minister, traveled to Iran after his visit to Iraq and delivered Gorbachev’s official response to Imam Khomeini, he was also instructed to talk about bilateral relations.

Sunday, January 15, 2012 09:30

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