Late Nasrallah was a symbol of resistance,  combination of struggle with rationality

Late Nasrallah was a symbol of resistance, combination of struggle with rationality

The grandson of Imam Khomeini says martyr Secretary General of the Lebanese resistance movement Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has been a resistance along with a combination of struggle and rationality.

Pointing out that extensive cruelty being displayed by Israel against innocent Palestinian and Lebanese public, Seyyed Ali Khomeini said compromising with such scale of oppression is against the basic pillars of the Islamic Republic.

"These are our principles that make us alive and make us stand proudly against the Zionist genocide and Israeli campaign of death of destruction. We would take firm stance even if the whole world stays silent and sees the killing of civilians and does not raise their voice," he said.

He made remarks at Imam’s historic residence in holy city of Najaf with officials from Iranian consulate general and other institutions which are based in neighboring country of Iraq.

The gathering followed a commemoration ceremony for Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah who was assassinated in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut.

“Due to having a brave leadership and as a brave nation, we will perform prostration in front of God Almighty and would be thankful for all these blessings,” Seyyed Hassan Khomeini said

“The enemies of the revolution were constantly lamenting the end of the Imam's life and saying that this great revolution would disappear with the passing of Imam and that it was dependent on his personality. But we all saw that it didn't happen like that, and the flag of the revolution reached the hands of her righteous successor, Ayatollah Khamenei, and the revolution continued on its way, because it was based on rational and revealed principles and foundations," the reputed scholar stated.

Hailing the brilliant work of our armed forces in launching a missile strike on the Tel Aviv area, saying “promise 2 operation was a corner of Iran's defensive and offensive power against the enemies. 

Seyyed Hassan Khomeini further said the spiritual fuel of missiles is the Islamic and popular structure of the system and these values are real power of the nation. 

Earlier in remarks on Friday, the Leader called on Muslims to unite against the world’s arrogant powers and transgressors who are still following their policy of divide and conquer with all kinds of tricks in the Islamic states.

“The policy of the Qur'an is that Muslim nations and groups should have solidarity, and if you have this solidarity, divine wisdom will support you and you will overcome all obstacles and win over all enemies."

The Leader said the time has come for the Islamic Ummah to overcome the plots of the enemies.

"The enemy of the Iranian nation is the same enemy of the Palestinian nation, the Lebanese nation, the Iraqi nation, the Egyptian nation, the Syrian nation and the Yemeni nation. The enemy is one.”


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