Extracted from a series of memoirs about Imam Khomeini
Wednesday, December 01, 2021 09:15
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 12:00
The head of the institute for complication and publication of Imam Khomeini’s works in a recent speech said that Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, raised flag of Islam and Shiism in contemporary era.
Friday, September 10, 2021 11:38
Dozens of Israeli settlers have stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied East al-Quds while receiving protection from the regime’s forces, as Jews celebrated their New Year, Rosh Hashanah.
Thursday, September 09, 2021 08:40
Imam Khomeini explained through his theological works that the more one’s age advances, the more the things which conflict with human felicity multiply and the more one’s powers are weakened.
Sunday, August 29, 2021 02:32
A memoirs by Leila Boroujerdi, Imam Khomeini’s granddaughter
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 09:58
Imam Khomeini stressed that this world, with all its superficial splendor and glitter is too insignificant to be worthy of love.
Saturday, July 31, 2021 12:58
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says a Jihad-like struggle and continued resistance is what can prevent America and other international aggressors from interfering in the affairs of the Islamic countries.
Monday, July 19, 2021 09:18