Seyyed Ahmad endured sufferings during struggle for Revolution

Seyyed Ahmad endured sufferings during struggle for Revolution

After the Imam’s passing, Seyyed Ahmad did not accept any official administrative posts, saying, Seyyed Ahmad rejected any high-ranking post, saying, “If one has a motive and a goal, he can serve the system and the revolution even without an official position; nay he may serve better and more easily under such circumstances.”

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 09:47

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Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini’s role was to make sure the revolution lived on

Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini’s role was to make sure the revolution lived on

Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini’s role was to make sure the revolution lived on and stayed strong. He showed his support and defended the main goals of the Islamic revolution.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022 01:52

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Imam Khomeini refused to accept any high-ranking position for his beloved son, Hajja Seyyed Ahmad

Imam Khomeini refused to accept any high-ranking position for his beloved son, Hajja Seyyed Ahmad

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic rejected all types of offers that his beloved son Hojjat al-Islam Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini should be prime minister or hold any other high-ranking position.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022 12:50

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