Founder of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khomeini hailed the move by the students, describing the embassy takeover as the "second revolution." The former US diplomatic compound in Tehran has long been regarded as a clear indication of how deep America's intelligence operations run in other countries.
Monday, November 04, 2019 10:01
Friday, October 25, 2019 01:34
In October 1964, the Shah signed the bill which came to be known as the ‘Bill of Capitulation’. The bill intended to give immunity to foreigners especially the US authorities inside Iran.
Thursday, October 24, 2019 07:37
Imam Khomeini’s elder brother, Ayatollah Pasandideh said that Shah regime had put severe restrictions on movement of Imam after freeing him from jail in 1960s.
Friday, September 27, 2019 02:42
The most important characteristics of politico-jurisprudental religiosity are: total Islamic discourse in which political and religious affairs are inseparable. Seeking a religious government and society and he establishment and implementation of Sharia laws in such a society; and Opposition to secularism and nationalism.
Monday, September 23, 2019 12:02
The founder of the Islamic Republic said that the holy months of Muharram and Safar play a great role in reviving the genuine teachings of Islam.
Thursday, September 19, 2019 11:01
Faithful people worldwide hold ceremonies every year in the month of Muharram to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and his loyal companions.
Thursday, September 05, 2019 04:22
Iran's Minister of Health Saeed Namaki says sanctions imposed by the United States against Iran's health sector amount to crime against humanity.
Monday, August 05, 2019 01:18