Think as Imam Thinks

Abdullah Manji

Think as Imam Thinks

Imam told the whole world that Islam is the best, meaning no matter you are in the east or west, Islam is the way of life, and Islam is the means to set up your life, to set up your family, your social and political world view. So this is what I love most among what Imam said.

Saturday, August 18, 2012 12:13

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Imam Khomeini Shaped Our Life

Dr. Hassan Khachfe

Imam Khomeini Shaped Our Life

An interview with Dr. Hassan Khachfe, a university professor with a specialty in molecular medicine biophysics and molecular medicine from Lebanon who had come to Iran to attend in Imam Khomeini’s commemorations.

Monday, August 13, 2012 02:36

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Conduct of Imam Khomeini during the Month of Ramadan

Part II

Conduct of Imam Khomeini during the Month of Ramadan

Imam would make use of every small window in his daily schedule to open and study the holy Quran.

Sunday, August 05, 2012 01:27

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Ramadan Doa

DAY 17

Ramadan Doa

ALLAH, on this day, guide me towards righteous actions...

Sunday, August 05, 2012 12:27

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