Imam`s Emphasis on Serving the Needs of People

Imam's Emphasis on Serving the Needs of People

A group of the Islamic republic of Iran's Police met Imam Khomeini in Qom on May 10, 1979. In this visit Imam delivered a speech on the quality of the Islamic government and its difference with other governments and advised the officials to serve the needs of people and asked them to behave them well.

Sunday, May 12, 2013 03:44

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An interview with Dr. Irmgard Pinn, a German scholar and sociologist

Meeting with intellectuals:

An interview with Dr. Irmgard Pinn, a German scholar and sociologist

Dr. Irmgard Pinn, a German scholar and sociologist from the University of Akhen is interviewed by the portal of Imam Khomeini

Thursday, May 09, 2013 06:28

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World Leaders Highlight Various Aspects of Imam’s Personality (3)

World Leaders Highlight Various Aspects of Imam’s Personality (3)

Several well-renown international pundits say Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world has emerged as an unprecedented comprehensive personality of the contemporary era and for the coming centuries. They have underscored various aspects including Islamic, philosophical and intellectual aspects of the Imam’s personality...

Thursday, April 04, 2013 04:30

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World Leaders Highlight Various Aspects of Imam’s Personality (2)

World Leaders Highlight Various Aspects of Imam’s Personality (2)

Several well-renown international pundits say Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world has emerged as an unprecedented comprehensive personality of the contemporary era and for the coming centuries. They have underscored various aspects including Islamic, philosophical and intellectual aspects of the Imam’s personality...

Thursday, April 04, 2013 04:20

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Some memories by Imam’s dear wife about the Islamic Revolution

Some memories by Imam’s dear wife about the Islamic Revolution

Lady Khadija Saqafi, Imam’s Dear Wife Has Described Several Precious Memories About the Life of Founder of the Islamic Republic and the History of the Islamic Revolution.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 07:05

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Biography of Lady Khadija Saqafi, Imam Khomeini’s dear life

Biography of Lady Khadija Saqafi, Imam Khomeini’s dear life

She got her diploma and learnt French at school, and learnt Arabic from Imam Khomeini. Even after they were deported from Iran to Iraq, she still wanted to continue her studies. She was well versed...

Sunday, March 24, 2013 03:46

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A Review of Law and Legalism in Society According to Imam Khomeini

A Review of Law and Legalism in Society According to Imam Khomeini

Imam Khomeini in adherence to the policy and approach of Imam al-Muttaqin (Imam of the Pious), Hazrat Ali (as) maintained special importance for precise practice of the laws of Islam; he was the first one to exercise law.

Saturday, February 09, 2013 08:15

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