Iran marks 31st anniversary of US downing of passenger plane

Iran marks 31st anniversary of US downing of passenger plane

Iran is commemorating the 31st anniversary of the downing of its passenger plane by a US Navy guided-missile cruiser in the Persian Gulf waters.

Tuesday, July 02, 2019 08:52

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FM Zarif says Iran to  put up spirited resistance in face of US pressures

FM Zarif says Iran to put up spirited resistance in face of US pressures

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic will continue to put up spirited resistance in the face of the United States’ “maximum pressure” campaign, just as it persevered during the 1980s Iran-Iraq war.

Saturday, June 29, 2019 06:17

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Iranian nation lost 72 innocent leading figures in 1981 terrorist attack

Iranian nation lost 72 innocent leading figures in 1981 terrorist attack

Dr. Beheshti was considered as a right-hand of the great Imam and the founder of the Islamic Republic on several occasion hailed Beheshti’s knowledge of worldly and religious affairs and his political wisdom.

Thursday, June 27, 2019 09:16

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Western-backed groups committed act of terrorism in Iran

Western-backed groups committed act of terrorism in Iran

The Hafte Tir bombing, which killed over seventy senior Iranian officials, including Chief Justice Dr. Mohammad Beheshti, then Iran's second-highest official. Two months later of the same year, former President Mohammad Ali Rajaei and then-Prime Minister Mohammad Javad Bahonar, also lost their lives in a bombing in the capital, Tehran, 36 years ago.

Thursday, June 27, 2019 02:28

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Iranian minorities marked 30th passing ceremony of Imam Khomeini

Iranian minorities marked 30th passing ceremony of Imam Khomeini

Minorities including followers of Jewish, Christian and Zoroastrians religion have been actively participating in ceremonies marking the 30th passing ceremony of Imam Khomeini.

Saturday, June 08, 2019 10:02

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Watch: Leader`s speech at Imam Khomeini’s 30th passing anniversary

Watch: Leader's speech at Imam Khomeini’s 30th passing anniversary

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says opponents have made many desperate efforts made over the past decades to fade Imam’s goals, but the fact is that Imam’s attractions have been increased.

Tuesday, June 04, 2019 06:28

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Iranians, devotees worldwide marking 30 years since departure of Imam Khomeini

Iranians, devotees worldwide marking 30 years since departure of Imam Khomeini

Iranians and devotees in other countries are marking 30 years since the departure of Imam Khomeini, the revered founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mourners from all walks of life are expected to converge on Imam Khomeini’s Mausoleum in southern Tehran on Tuesday to pay homage to the architect of the Islamic Revolution and renew allegiance to the ideals of the 1979 Revolution.

Tuesday, June 04, 2019 01:20

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