Russia: Vienna talks prove US overestimated impact of ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran

Russia: Vienna talks prove US overestimated impact of ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran

Reacting to the almost one-month pause in the Vienna talks aimed at reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Russia’s permanent representative to the international organizations in the Austrian capital says the course of the talks proves that the US overestimated the impact of its so-called maximum pressure campaign on Iran.

Thursday, July 15, 2021 04:37

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FM Zarif says  time for US to kick habit, end addiction to sanctions

FM Zarif says time for US to kick habit, end addiction to sanctions

On the sixth signing anniversary of the landmark Iran nuclear deal, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif highlights the failure of the United States' so-called 'maximum pressure campaign' and sanctions, citing Tehran’s progress, including in the nuclear field, despite the bans.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021 03:48

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Lawsuit seeking truth on Saudi role in 9/11 hitting critical moment

Lawsuit seeking truth on Saudi role in 9/11 hitting critical moment

Under former US presidents, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, the Saudi monarchy has enjoyed the privilege of not being held accountable. as some US lawmakers suggested in a letter to President Joe Biden in May. Pressure is now building on courts as families of the 9/11 victims demand answers in regard to Saudi government’s role in the terrorist attacks on the US soil.

Wednesday, July 07, 2021 09:30

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Imam Khomeini advised believers  to reform themselves as long as they possess life

Imam Khomeini advised believers to reform themselves as long as they possess life

According to Imam Khomeini, it is much easier to purify oneself in this world, as changes occur rapidly in this world; but in the next world, the process of change will be a prolonged process, and the effacement of one evil attribute of the soul will take several centuries.

Thursday, June 24, 2021 10:34

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Pope Francis expresses sorrow over church-run school deaths in Canada, offers no apology

Pope Francis expresses sorrow over church-run school deaths in Canada, offers no apology

Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, has expressed sympathy with the Canadian people over the discovery of remains of scores of indigenous children at a former church-run residential school in Canada, saying he is following with “pain” the news about the “shocking” finding.

Sunday, June 06, 2021 12:01

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Pope Francis expresses sorrow over church-run school deaths in Canada, offers no apology

Pope Francis expresses sorrow over church-run school deaths in Canada, offers no apology

Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, has expressed sympathy with the Canadian people over the discovery of remains of scores of indigenous children at a former church-run residential school in Canada, saying he is following with “pain” the news about the “shocking” finding.

Sunday, June 06, 2021 12:01

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The prayers should not be taken light in any situation

The prayers should not be taken light in any situation

Extracted from a collection of memoirs about Imam

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 07:40

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Mankind needs assistance to emerge victorious in world and hereafter, Imam explained

Mankind needs assistance to emerge victorious in world and hereafter, Imam explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that human being, a creature crawling on one of the smallest planets miserably fails to grasp the extent of his own small world.

Saturday, May 08, 2021 09:49

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