Friday, October 07, 2022 12:25
Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that we are indebted to God Almighty for this great guidance and we have to show, with all humility, great respect towards Him in our worships,
Tuesday, October 04, 2022 10:25
The worldly people, who imagine that they have acquired the world and benefit from its advantages and boons, are remiss and mistaken.
Thursday, September 29, 2022 10:35
Imam Khomeini explained through his theological works that only way of overpowering your carnal self and repelling the insinuations of Satan is to act against their incitements.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 10:14
Sahifeh- ye- Imam, V 21, P 141
Monday, September 26, 2022 08:01
Imam Khomeini through his theological works explains that Knowledge is light, but in a black corrupt heart it spreads wide the skirts of darkness and blackness.
Friday, September 23, 2022 10:55
Imam Khomeini through his theological works have described several practical and theoretical remedies for curing anger when it has flared up.
Friday, September 23, 2022 09:14
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 02:25