Imam Khomeini assisted oppressed ones and confronted oppressors

Imam Khomeini assisted oppressed ones and confronted oppressors

Ali Hassan Moveni, former president Tanzania

Monday, December 21, 2020 02:53

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Iran, US and UK: 1953 coup d`état revisited

Iran, US and UK: 1953 coup d'état revisited

Well, little by little, the Western historians are starting to come to grips with the reality of the 1953 coup staged by the British intelligence agency MI6 and the American CIA against the democratically elected Mossadegh government in Iran.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020 04:02

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Imam Khomeini didn’t make any personal gain from revolution and state: Hezbollah Official

Imam Khomeini didn’t make any personal gain from revolution and state: Hezbollah Official

In an interview with Al-Manar TV Channel, Sayyed Ibrahim Amin Al-Sayyed added that what Ayatollah Khomeini did provided the revolution with legitimacy, stressing that the Imam did not utilize from the revolution and the state in Iran for personal use.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 11:59

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Ayatollah Khomeini was the real leader, says Professor Richard Falk

Ayatollah Khomeini was the real leader, says Professor Richard Falk

Over the past decades, despite being faced with threats, provocations, harsh sanctions, and even a variety of covert interventions, Iran has been more stable than ever- a fact even acknowledged by Professor Richard Falk as the former UN Special Rapporteur.

Sunday, May 17, 2020 03:30

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Imam Khomeini sought to establish a model society based upon Islamic constitution and norms

Imam Khomeini sought to establish a model society based upon Islamic constitution and norms

In the course of its revolutionary developments under Imam Khomeini's guidance, the Iranian nation cleansed itself of the dirt and impurities accumulated during the tãghũtī past and purged itself of foreign ideological influences, thus returning to the authentic intellectual standpoints and world view of Islam. The mission of the Constitution is to realize the ideological objectives of the Islamic movement.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020 06:02

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"Revolutionary Council" was formed  shortly before Imam Khomeini`s return to Iran

"Revolutionary Council" was formed shortly before Imam Khomeini's return to Iran

The "Revolutionary Council" was formed by Khomeini to manage the revolution on 12 January 1979, shortly before he returned to Iran. Its existence was kept a secret during the early, less secure time of the revolution.

Sunday, January 12, 2020 10:06

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Imam Khomeini sought changes in university system in accordance with nation’s needs

Imam Khomeini sought changes in university system in accordance with nation’s needs

Following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Imam Khomeini sought changes in university system in accordance with the nation’s needs. Imam once in a historic message said as following:

Saturday, December 07, 2019 03:28

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