Dr. Moghaddam outlines events for Imam Khomeini’s departure anniversary

Dr. Moghaddam outlines events for Imam Khomeini’s departure anniversary

Dr. Moghaddam, an-internationally-reputed scholar also expressed the institute readiness to compile cultural packages in order to dispatch them to the Iranian missions across various parts of the world on the occasion.

Sunday, May 21, 2017 06:07

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Iranian Revolution formed based on moderation: Ali Khomeini

Iranian Revolution formed based on moderation: Ali Khomeini

The Iranian Revolution led by Imam was formed upon moderation, Islamic, humane and moral values, Imam’s grandson noted.

Thursday, June 04, 2015 09:20

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Congratulation on Imam`s birthday

Congratulation on Imam's birthday

Wednesday, September 03, 2014 02:35

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