Trump’s anti-Iran speech nothing more than delusional claims

Trump’s anti-Iran speech nothing more than delusional claims

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani urged the US president to brush up on his world history and geography to improve his comprehension of international obligations and global ethics, etiquette and conventions

Friday, October 13, 2017 11:03

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   Iran has become invulnerable after decades of US bans: Zarif

Iran has become invulnerable after decades of US bans: Zarif

In an interview with Qatar-based broadcaster, Al Jazeera, Iranian foreign minister has said the United States was addicted to imposing sanctions, but after four decades of such bans Iran has become invulnerable.

Sunday, October 08, 2017 07:03

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Muharram is a month when justice rose up against inequity, Imam Khomeini stressed

Muharram is a month when justice rose up against inequity, Imam Khomeini stressed

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic once said in a famous and historic message that Muharram is a month when justice rose up against inequity and righteousness rose up against wrong.

Thursday, September 28, 2017 08:33

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Imam Khomeini highlighted global perspectives of Ashura message

Imam Khomeini highlighted global perspectives of Ashura message

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, through his speeches, historical messages and theological works stressed that Imam Hussein's school of thought and universal message should be introduced for entire humanity.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 05:12

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After Trump barbs, entire G-77 backs JCPOA

After Trump barbs, entire G-77 backs JCPOA

One hundred and thirty four countries, under the banner of the Group of 77 at the United Nations, have voiced support for a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six other countries.

Saturday, September 23, 2017 11:44

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President Rouhani lashes out at Trump

President Rouhani lashes out at Trump

The Iranian president delivers his speech at the annual session of the UN General Assembly.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017 08:08

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JCPOA in interest of regional-global peace and stability: President

JCPOA in interest of regional-global peace and stability: President

Iranian president made the remarks in Tehran on Sunday, before leaving for New York to attend the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Sunday, September 17, 2017 04:21

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