The Necessity of Respecting the Reporters during the National Ceremony of June 3rd

Abdul Rasoul Wesal Criticizes the Organizations that Don’t Cooperate with the Media

The Necessity of Respecting the Reporters during the National Ceremony of June 3rd

The secretary of the PR Committee of Imam Khomeini’s Commemoration emphasized on the cooperation of all organizations with the media for the TV and news coverage of the 23rd Demise Anniversary of Imam Khomeini ceremony.

Monday, May 21, 2012 11:54

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Choosing 22 of the Best Pictures from 700 Pictures

The Jury of ''Del-e-Dideh (The Eye of Heart) Picture Festival'' :

Choosing 22 of the Best Pictures from 700 Pictures

One of the jury members of the Del-eDideh Picture Festival said: “Imam’s works were all reflects of his political and social standings.”

Monday, May 21, 2012 11:38

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Details of Tehran Municipality’s Programs for the 23rd Demise Anniversary of Imam Khomeini

An Interview with General Director of Urban Services of Tehran Municipality

Details of Tehran Municipality’s Programs for the 23rd Demise Anniversary of Imam Khomeini

General Director of Urban Services of Tehran Municipality gave the details of their constructional, cultural and services for the 23rd Demise Anniversary of Imam Khomeini.

Friday, May 18, 2012 11:15

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Timeless Message of Imam Khomeini to the Contemporaries and Future Generations

Political-Divine Will

Timeless Message of Imam Khomeini to the Contemporaries and Future Generations

Imam Khomeini finished writing his political-divine will, which in fact is the timeless message and summary of all the wills and messages of his life on February 15, 1982

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 01:14

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``Imam Khomeini leaded the Islamic revolution of Iran with his fate.``

Syria’s Grand Mufti:

''Imam Khomeini leaded the Islamic revolution of Iran with his fate.''

In the Islamic awakening all the Muslim, Shia or Sunni, have stepped in, and by chanting “Allah-u-Akbar” (Allah is great) and without prejudice shouted for their rightful demands.

Monday, February 13, 2012 11:30

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 Unity Week, Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Unity Week, Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Today, in this small, yet luminous and great meeting all schools of Muslims including our Sunni and Shi`ite brothers, universities and theological seminaries and different strata of people have assembled. This is an example of the blessings of the Islamic Revolution God has bestowed upon all of us. By His grace we have became brothers. The universities, that used to be apart from seminaries, are today united with them. It is hoped that this unity will remain forever Sunni and Shi`ite brothers have initiated the unity of expression and I hope this unity will remain till the end.

Sunday, February 05, 2012 02:50

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Imam Khomeini`s historic speech outlining the state of affairs of the course of the Revolution

The return of Imam Khomeini to Tehran after fifteen years in exile

Imam Khomeini's historic speech outlining the state of affairs of the course of the Revolution

We should thank all the strata of the society for bringing this victory up to this stage by means of their unanimity. We should all understand that the secret of this victory is the unanimity among Muslims- all of them-, the unanimity of religious minorities with the Muslims, the solidarity of universities and educational schools, the solidarity of the clergy and the political factions.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012 02:52

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Supreme Leader pays tribute to late Imam

Supreme Leader pays tribute to late Imam

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei paid tribute to the Founder of the Islamic Republic, the late Imam Khomeini.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 10:07

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