Imam’s set patterns of leading a simple life while in exile in France

Extracted from a collection about Imam and Islamic Revolution history

ID: 82013 | Date: 2025/02/06
Imam Khomeini who led the greatest revolution of our contemporary history used to lead very simple life before and after the victory of Islamic Revolution.

Imam never took help from any servant for doing jobs during his stay in exile in the French city of Nofel Loshato

The people within close circle of Imam recall once Imam Khomeini had closed the door of his residence toilet and started cleaning for about an hour and later came out.

This all show how that the founder of the Islamic Revolution followed the footsteps of the holy prophet and his infallible successors.

Imam is widely remembered and praised due his divine style of life and is highly appreciated by his devotees an even opponents.   

(Extracted from a collection about Imam and Islamic Revolution history)