Imam Khomeini used to well prepare himself before delivering lectures

(A memoir by Hajjat alIslam Mostafa Zamani)

ID: 81327 | Date: 2024/10/23
It has been recalled through a series of memoirs that Imam used to prepare himself well before delivering a lecture to seminary students.

Sometimes Imam used to spend hours to do research about a specific topics or Hadith prior to the lecture or study circles

He also used to classify the contents and write notes and all other necessary works which were required to present high-quality lectures.

During Imam’s stay in exile in the holy city of Najaf, seminary students or high-caliber scholars used to wait for Imam’s lessons on ethics, moral, jurisprudence, mysticism and philosophy.

It is worthy to mention that Imam left a great theological and academic legacy and trained a large number of students who later served at the seminaries and furthered the objectives of the Islamic Revolution. 

(A memoir by Hajjat alIslam Mostafa Zamani)