Imam Khomeini advised believers to resist against bad tendency

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, advised faithful people to avoid the anger, which when present in an individual destroys him in both the worlds

ID: 80727 | Date: 2024/07/30

Imam in this regard in his famous book "an exposition on forty Hadith" as following:

I give you word that if you behave persistently like this, after some time you will realize that your nature is totally transformed and good habits have taken the place of the bad ones.

But if you behave according to the propensities of your nature, it is possible that they consume you in this world itself.

I seek refuge in God from the anger, which when present in an individual destroys him in both the worlds.

At the same time it kills his spirit also, because possibly one may use some indecent words against Divine principles in a fit of anger, as so many times we hear people uttering words of heresy and being guilty of apostasy thus.

Philosophers say that the chances of being saved in a ship without a captain from the stormy waves of ocean are brighter than those of a man being saved in an outburst of wild passion, Imam Khomeini explained. 

God forbid, that we should ever belong to that category of people who become aggressive during academic discussions, as some of our students suffer from this intemperance, Imam stated. 

You have to resist against this bad tendency. Act against it, especially on the occasions of formal functions, which are attended by a great number of scholars and common men.

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Imam Khomeini suggested cure for evil habits and moral maladies