Widespread spy activities took place at US embassy known as spy-den

A series of memoirs by Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini

ID: 80558 | Date: 2024/07/09

It has been reported through a series of memoirs that the US embassy in Tehran had become a center of US spy activities and Washington had deperetely attempting to destabilize newly established Islamic system in Iran following the victory of the Islamic revolution under the leadership of Imam Khomeini in 1979.

More than 40 years ago, the US embassy was overtaken by a revolutionary students who beiled the center was used to harms the Islamic system.

The docements found there also showed that lare-scaled spy and intellegence activities were carried out by the US agencies to spread unrest against the Islamic government. That is why Imam appreciated the move by Imam and named it as “the seond revolution”.

(A series of memoirs by Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini, Vol. 2, P. 31)